Sunday 9 August 2015

True multiculture

I've been meaning to write about Kiwi culture for a long time. I've been collecting quotes from flatmates, colleagues and friends, but it's not always easy to know what is Kiwi and what just someone being weird. Like when Andrew said "I like bland shit" (about food preferences) I figure he was just being Andrew. But when my buddy Campbell said "Chur, bro", I'm pretty sure he was talking Kiwi.

But I've found a better way to tell you about Kiwi slang. Read this girl's blog post. She explains how Kiwis talk in a hilarious-because-it's-true way. I can personally attest to 20 of the 25 points - her comments are spot-on.

Me Talk Kiwi One Day

Hispanic housewarming
This week, I was at a housewarming with my new Mexican friend Javier. It was a blast. 18 mostly Hispanic people in a small loud place. Lovely people of whom I had met a few before at Research Association events (where I also met Javier). Despite good intentions, I was almost rudely early for the party. I arrived only 5 minutes after the time I was invited for - that's at least half an hour early, Spanish time.

Singaporean national anniversairy
Tonight Singapore is celebrating it's 50th anniversary as a nation. There has been some buzz about it at the office, because we have 2 NeedScopers on secondmendt there. I am following the parade live here from my Mairangi Bay tonight with Sin Yat my Singaporean landlord.

Did I tell you I love culture?

Oh yeah, and I'm teaching myself Chinese. Nǐ hǎo!

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