Sunday 23 August 2015

Honoured with a chocolate frog

I've been working a lot lately. Not because I have to, but because I like to. I have become very comfortable in the office.

Mornings at the office
Every morning, I have my breakfast in front of my computer, while I check my emails or read something of interest. I like regularity for breakfast, and I get that in the form of plain rolled oats with milk. I'm peculiar about the type of milk and the type of oat, but once I've got both right there is no other breakfast I would rather have.

Then there's morning tea at ten, when the office gets together for a morning chat over a cup of tea and a biscuit. I'll have two. Maybe three. If it's a Thursday the biscuits are replaced by something better, like sliders and cup cakes.

At lunchtime some of us do yoga on Mondays. It's great. I really, really like it. The way Nadia teaches it, yoga is all about posture and breathing. It's the most inward looking sport I have ever encountered, and it suits me. Ok, it's not really sport, but it is exercise and I know it is good for me, body and soul.

On Wednesdays we have a skills session. It always starts with a great lunch and then we go on to learn something new. After lunch is when we really start working, unless we go for a walk in the park first.

I got a choco-laide!
But even with all of these breaks, I am actually doing a good job. That's how I got my first choco-laide at this Tuesday's planning meeting.

Yes, here success is measured in chocolate fish frogs

Another homely weekend
It's nice, working, but I know that I should be careful not to become too absorbed. If I'm not careful I will become sedentary as (if I wasn't speaking Kiwi I could say "as a couch potato", but I'm trying my best here).

Sure enough, I'm hoping to become more active by buying a car. That makes sense, right? With a car I could go places and do stuff. Without a car I have to walk or take the bus, so I'll sometimes just stay at home and play boardgames.

Which by the way is not a bad way to spend a weekend at all. Yesterday I had a phenomenal game of Agricola. My pig-catching, basin-making, 5 person stonehouse was worth 71 points (that makes sense only if you are a hardcore fan of the game) and the compliments continued today.

Thanks, thanks, I was in luck.

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