Saturday 16 April 2016


I just had my second birthday in Auckland. 26 now. The NeedScopers were really sweet to remember and congratulate me and there were greetings from Denmark as well.

Mom sent me a rye bread
(from a local NZ baker)
Such a treat

Homemade flødebolle
I set myself a challenge this week. I'd make "flødeboller" and bring them to work. They are like cream puffs, but Danish. Very popular. They are for celebrating small successes in life, birthdays, indulgent moments... Well anytime really.

Phil named them "sorting hats"

I had a test run Monday. And another test run Tuesday. It's not that easy to make sugar and egg white stiff enough to carry the weight of melted chocolate coating. I think these turned out rather well. Especially the marzipan base was appreciated. Marzipan is apparently exotic in New Zealand (who would have known).

Celebrating my own way
I'll remember this birthday for the many little celebrations. On the actual day I had a Skype call with my family before going to a restaurant alone. In a small way my unplanned restaurant visit made the day more special. I had roast pig belly with Korean soju.

Did the math and decided not to finish the bottle
375 ml * 18% = too drunk for a Thursday

Auckland by night
Friday was the opposite of my quiet Thursday. Eri invited me to town with a group of friends. Man, they party hard. But hey, I'm Danish, I can take it ;) Anyway, we trashed a hotel room, had not one but two guys pass out and didn't stop dancing until the club closed. So much. So crazy. Fun. Cheers Chaeyeoung.

5:30 am Saturday and Sunday
Crazy weekend

I slept most of Saturday and got up early Sunday morning. Registration closed at 6am and by that time I was standing in my togs, jandals and a t-shirt. Cold. Determined.
The ferry took us to Rangitoto. 500 swimmers. Ready to swim across the Hauraki gulf on a beautifully calm Sunday morning. Almost no tide or waves made it a very enjoyable swim. Water wasn't even cold. My form was ok, but not great. 1 hour 15 minutes for the 4.6 k swim.

4.6 k later
Sun's come out
I'm beat

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