Monday 23 November 2015

The ones I miss

Sometimes I miss home.

This morning I spoke with my parents on Skype. They have just sent off a box for me. I don't know what they put in it, but in my mind it contains a hug. A hug sent to the other side of the world to show me that they are not far away. And it's true. They are not far away. In February they will be here to visit me. I look forward to that.

When I think about my friends, my thoughts travel far. They live and travel in many countries around the world. It's cool to know, that there are many places I could go and know someone there. But it's lonely, because they are not here. Right now, my thoughts go to Marie and Ross, who lived here with me until a few weeks ago.

Ross is in Australia now, and by looks he is enjoying every minute of an early summer at the Gold Coast. Marie is back home in France. I hope she is well.

The sea
When I feel this way, I like to go to the sea. There, I find a place with no time. Only the moment. And in every moment there is a wave crashing onto the shore, never to be seen again. It makes me feel empty and it fills me up.

In my favourite song, the artist sings about this feeling. I like having him describe it to me.

Nephew, "Hjertestarter"

Karekare beach
So I went to Karekare. Perfectly west coast. Stormy. Rough.

"The watchman" is the cliff on the right
Karekare beach

Cliffs frame the sides of Union Bay
"The watchman" has quite the view
Heartrate-quickening, on-the-edge photo

1 comment:

  1. You are doing so many activities right now! Enjoy the summer! Je t'embrasse :)
