Monday 19 October 2015

See you, Jess

This Wednesday I went to an event with the Research Association. It was an introduction for new members, so we were lots of young researchers there. Cool people. They make me feel like I'm in the right place.

In the office
Campbell keeps surprising Mariyam with his hilariously detailed knowledge of Indian culture. She still doesn't know that his girlfriend is from India.

Jess' leaving party
Jess, had her last day at NeedScope this Friday. She is going to work in a job with less hours, so she can focus more on her actor/director career. I'm sad to see her go, she is such an amazing person.

Of course we made the most of the occasion. Lunch with entire office at Food Truck Garage, drinks after work at La Zeppa and all night dancing at Sweat Shop Brew Kitchen. That just got better and better.

And it seems like the introductions will never end this week. Sunday, I met up with 15 young church people for a barbecue at their pastor's place. Great fun, but also a bit intense for a fundamentally atheistic guy who is just being curious...

Way too much food (not enough wine)

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