Monday 12 October 2015

Meeting lots of people

It's been an exciting week. I'm feeling bubbly even now, one workday into the next week.

Our flat family came back together this week. Sin Yat returned from a three week vacation in Europe and Marie is back with us too. She has been travelling all over New Zealand for three months, but it doesn't feel that long. It's great to see them both again. We celebrated the occasion with a big family dinner cooked by our two French couchsurfers, Yvan and Florent.

Meeting new people
Wednesday I went to my first Meetup event! It was a casual dinner and drinks event by the generic "Auckland 20's and 30's" group. So much fun. Weird and wonderful people. It's hard to describe them as a group, because it seemed like everyone was there for a different reason. Or maybe it's all the same reason. Meet new people and have fun. I did.

Hunua falls
This Saturday I joined my colleague Eri and her friend Michelle for a hike at Hunua Falls. The weather was perfect for it. Cold by New Zealand standards and cloudy, but not raining. I wore shorts and t-shirt and felt very comfortable.

I did bring my swimwear, but the girls didn't fancy a swim
In truth, neither did I - It wasn't that hot

The Cossey Dam has sheep walking on it
Majestic kauri trees gathered in a grove

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