Sunday 19 July 2015

Goodbye Anika

This week we said goodbye to Anika. She is going away on secondment to Singapore for 6 six months. I first met Anika three months ago. She welcomed me into the Research Association NZ and trusted me to write a the main feature article. That time feels like a distant memory - so much has happened since...

The biggest change is of course that I am now an employee of NeedScope. I am gradually gaining experience and I have this week received my first real consultancy task. I will be leading a project with a client in Israel. I'm really excited about it, but also slightly nervous. I wonder what it will be like to work with a study that is being conducted in Hebrew!

Korean lunch
To celebrate the final day of Anika we all went out for lunch. In the area around our office there are lots of great, upscale lunch restaurants. We went to a Korean place and had delicious, authentic dishes seated in a beautifully decorated reserved part of the restaurant.

The floor at our table was raised to create an
 illusion of sitting on the floor
Great food in sizzling hot stone pot.
I definitely prefer wooden chopsticks 

Visit from previous flatmates
This Sunday we had a visit from Jerome and Yat Min. They both used to live here and they still like to come around sometimes. They like board games too, so we had a big game of Agricola.

Sin Yat was quite upset that his family members starved this game,
but he redeemed himself by winning the next game we played

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