Monday 18 May 2015

Boys who are no longer boys and a carrot cake without carrots

What a week it's been. I have so much to tell you and so little time. Today it is Thursday and I'm still telling you about last week!

Let's get to it.

Everybody sings along to Backstreet Boys
Tuesday the girls and I went to the Backstreet Boys concert in Vector Arena. It was amazing. Say what you want. Vector Arena is huge and it was packed with cheering girls aged 15 to 15 twenty two years ago, when the Backstreet Boys released their first album.

Awesome girls! Thanks for bringing me to the concert

Nick Carter with his blond hair and sexy spin moves made the girls go wild (I bet you could have said the exact same thing in 90's). The light show was great, the well choreographed boy band moves were cool and the atmosphere was intimate and relaxed despite the massive size of the venue.

"Let's all be 15 again tonight" - Nick carter

I've got a video for you. It's from one of the few quiet moments at the concert, when we were asked to hold up our cell phones to create a starry sky background for a sentimental song. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out considering how tipsy I was at the time. I could just as easily have been shaking the camera all over the place and singing along with my loud voice.

Another weekend at home
This weekend I did exactly the same as last weekend and the weekend before that. Does it sound boring to you? Well it's not. I'm spending time with my host and my flatmates. We go to church, we have lunch at restaurants, we go grocery shopping, we entertain couch surfers and we play board games. It's exactly what I need to recharge before another busy week and think it will be.

Carrot cake
I also learned how to cook a Chinese dish, that we have enjoyed at the lunch restaurant. It is called carrot cake, when the Chinese translate it. But it is made of Chinese radish. The reason for the confusion is that the Chinese name for carrot translates to 'orange carrot' while Chinese radish translates to 'white carrot'.

It's packed with tasty ingredients because it's homemade

Anyway, it's a pretty laborious dish to prepare and the outcome is a fairly plain dish that resembles an omelette. But it's different and distinctly Chinese, because of the mushrooms, shrimps and rice flour. As most other Chinese dishes it also includes a bit of chilli, soy sauce and bacon "to bring the flavour out" as my host would say.

Fry it with eggs to make a tasty omelette-like breakfast

Next week you will know
In truth my work does not make me so busy that I don't have time to write. Something else has kept me busy, but I have kept it secret from you. What do you think it is?


  1. Sounds good! Recipy please :-)

  2. Here is a link to the recipe we used:
    Before you start, notice that you will need a steamer! If you don't have one, you can make one by placing a bowl on top of a dish in a saucepan. The bowl may not touch the water or the saucepan and of course the lid has to cover the bowl and saucepan so the steam stays inside.
    Chinese bacon can be replaced with normal bacon (As far as I know Chinese bacon is just more dry)
    The Chinese dried mushrooms won't change size when they absorb or lose moisture, so make sure you cut them small enough.
    Some people think Chinese dried shrimps smell like rotten fish, but take a chance and use them anyway. Their taste is important to the balance of the dish (but you can make do with 1/4 of a cup).
    As far as I know there is not much difference between rice wine for cooking. I think any brand will do.
    The amount of rice flour is important to get right. When you mix the rice flour with water aim for a consistency like a thin rice pudding.
    When you are done with the steaming you can have a taste, but it's better the next day when you fry it on the frying pan with eggs.
