Saturday 18 April 2015

Church of LIFE

I'm listening to the tunes of Hozier, Take me to church, as I write these lines. Inspired by my Sunday morning in the LIFE church. I'm not sure if they would like to be associated with that song, as the song could easily be interpreted as an attack on the anti-gay opinions of many religions. On the other hand it wouldn't surprise me if the LIFE church supports gay marriage and the tunes do sound like something they would play at Sunday service. I will tell you more about my unusual church visit, but let's start with something else.

Showers and soaks
I keep thinking the fall has finally come to Auckland, but every time it rains one day the next is beautifully sunny. It was raining this Monday, so I bought an umbrella to keep dry as I walk to and from work. My co-workers complained about the low temperature, but it is still warm enough that it could be summer in Denmark, so I am not fussed about it.

People are wearing thick jackets this Monday
But the next morning is as beautiful as they usually are

Because of the drop in temperature we have filled the spa and enjoyed some nice soaks. The "cold" air contrasts nicely with the hot water and the spa offers a perfect space for late evening talks with the couch surfers we regularly have staying here.

The spa has lots of wineglass holders ;)

Party in the lifeguard club
The season for the lifeguards ended four weeks ago with The Nationals, but this weekend we had the real end of season party. Many awards were given, including best costume, and we had a great night.

All prestigious awards, but not all serious
The Bucket for best vomiting story was quite entertaining
Whole roast pig and lamb for dinner

Sunday church
When Sin Yat asked Antonio and me to come to church with him, we had no idea what we agreed to. We knew that he is a Christian, so we expected a traditional church with a tower and bells. We could not been more wrong. LIFE church is located in an industry area in a building that looks like a warehouse. We were not greeted by the sound of church bells, but loud pop music and balloons.

I admire the way LIFE has made church modern and relevant
Inside we walked through the lobby/lounge area and into the auditorium. On the stage the lead singer and her guitarist were singing a song with Christian lyrics and modern tunes. The support from the audience to the band was more intense than at most concerts. There were hands in the air, clapping, rocking, and young guys and girls near the stage with stars in their eyes. The lyrics were displayed on a large screen behind the band and many sang along. It was exactly like this:

When the pastor arrived on stage the band slowly transitioned into a low background music to his preaching. After a short talk that had the audience captivated he let the band finish with another chorus of their modern version of amazing grace.

The service continued to be engaging to the extreme. Twice we were asked to talk to the people sitting/standing near us. We had our hands in the air several times, once to mark us as first time guests in the church. We were instantly rewarded with a CD containing music of the church's band, vouchers for free drinks in the lobby and a leaflet with information for potential members. At the end of the service Antonio won some ginger beer in a lottery. We were stunned. The LIFE church simply outdid any expectation we had ever had for a church. I will even go so far as to say the experience brought me closer to my faith (I'm pretty far from God, being an atheist and all, but I do identify with Christian values).


  1. Hi Jakob. For me as a believer in Christ it was interesting to read of your impressions of one of these churches (which I myself would not recommend, because they appeal to people's emotions rather than their understanding, and they omit preaching the Gospel (dansk: evanglium, good news) of Jesus Christ, so there is more time for the "concert"). If you and your friends want to visit another kind of church, try one of these:,, where you might find more of the truth which was taught by Jesus Christ and less entertainment, and where you might learn how Amazing the Grace of God really is (Try also to google the song "Amazing Grace" and John Newton who wrote it). I wish you all the best!

    1. Hi Trine.
      Thank you for commenting! I agree that the LIFE church is a bit "light" on traditional preaching, but from a business perspective they are doing an amazing job. I respect that, but I have no intention of joining them or any other church for that matter. I am just happily exploring and engaging in the lives of those around me and this church visit should be seen as part of that.
