Saturday 21 March 2015

My first work week

Last week's big news have changed my life. I am no longer a brave tourist looking for work in Auckland. I am no longer the new Danish guy among the lifeguards. I have become a marketing professional, working 9 to 5 in clean, ironed shirts.

It is the end of many things, but the beginning of new ones. I am not afraid of the changes, but I am stressed. My spare time has shrunk considerably and I suddenly need to manage my time efficiently to get everything done. Luckily, I have the support of my friend Ross, who has been working long hours for years. The day before I started work, he took me shopping for shirts. It felt like the perfect rite of passage to get a crash course in Kiwi business wear and custom.

The Biz Dojo
Now let me show you where I work. When you go the most famous street of Auckland, K'road, you will find a new environmentally friendly building with a catchy name. The Iron Bank is the host for many small businesses including Creative Agency Secrets, the company I now work for.

The red building behind the white front is the Iron Bank
You walk in next to the Ironbar Café
Up the stairs to the first floor
This is where you find the Biz Dojo 
Welcome inside, have a seat in the sound absorbent sofa
My seat is right next to the space pig

After hours
Tuesday I went to the Beach Series in Takapuna again. This time I went for the 1500 meter distance and found tough competition. I finished 16 overall in the time 22.32 after battling a strong current at the first buoy and shortening my strokes to power through choppy waves on the return leg. I finished in a sprint right next to a competitor, whom I had been shoulder to shoulder with since the final buoy. The race was won by Mario Mola, one the best triathletes in the world.

Relaxing on the grass before the race

Friday I went for a beer with some colleagues from the Biz Dojo. I naively thought "a beer after work" actually just meant a couple of beers at a bar. We had that. And then we had some more. Then we had cocktails. Then we had more cocktails...

Saturday had a slow start for me...

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