Tuesday 27 January 2015

Getting settled

This week I have started socializing with my roommates at the hostel and met a lot of friendly backpackers. I'm feeling a lot more comfortable at the hostel now, so I'm no longer in a hurry to find another place to stay.

Rangitoto Island
Sunday I went with three friends from the hostel to Rangitoto Island. The island was formed 600 years ago, when an underwater volcano erupted. It's strange to think of 600 years as a short time, but it is the most recent volcanic eruption in New Zealand history. Today it is a beautiful cone shaped island right in front of Auckland harbor.

Luke, Marcus, me and Marcel on the summit
It was a 50 minute walk to the top
On the way we saw huge fields of lava rock
You can see most of the 1,5 million people city from the summit
How I imagine a volcanic crater
How it actually looks
On our way down we dropped Marcus into a lava cave
This lava cave has a narrow entrance
Inside it opens up and we explored 20 meters of cave
We felt awesome climbing out of a hole in the ground
Signs led us to a massive lava cave, but we were
more impressed with the ones we had found ourselves
The road back was long and hot, but we made it in time for the ferry
A shoutout to you guys, thanks for a great day!

Living in the library
When I'm not out exploring Auckland I spend my time at the library. I have a lot of stuff to do, so I easily spend a couple of hours there every day.

Welcome to my other home
The cool atmosphere is great for getting work done

Today I visited the Auckland Museum and saw stuffed versions of the three species of Kiwi birds. They seem curious and cute with their long beaks and fluffy fur. I learned that their ancestors flew here from Australia and discovered that there were no predators here. Then they gave up on flying in favor of heavy fur and a lower metabolism. They are unique that's for sure. But would I want to name myself one of them?

Stuffed Kiwis

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